Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has today announced $750,000 in funding for preserving Indigenous language and arts across his electorate.
The funding comes from the 2018-19 Indigenous Languages and Arts program funding round, and will support Indigenous communities in Broken Hill, Coonamble and Lightning Ridge.
“Three grants have been awarded in my electorate under this program, which will help revive Indigenous languages and develop art,” Mr Coulton said.
“I’m pleased to see the good work of local community organisations recognised through this funding.”
Mr Coulton said West Darling Arts at Broken Hill and Outback Arts at Coonamble will each receive $150,000, while Barriekneal Housing & Community Ltd at Lightning Ridge will receive $450,000 in funding under the program.
“West Darling Arts will use their grant to facilitate workshops and camps that celebrate Indigenous art and language, while Outback Arts will provide professional development to support participation in the arts.
“The project led by Barriekneal Housing & Community Ltd aims to revitalise the Yuwaalaraay language.
“These are three positive projects that I believe will support and celebrate Indigenous culture in the Parkes electorate.”
Minister for the Arts, Senator Mitch Fifield said arts and language play an essential role in the health and wellbeing of Indigenous communities.
“These funds will help preserve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories for current and future generations,” Senator Fifield said.
For more information about the program and to view the full list of funding recipients visit: www.arts.gov.au/ILA
For funding details, please see below.
Media Contacts:
Mark Coulton – Anna Tickle – 0400 050 729
Mitch Fifield – Geraldine Mitchell – Geraldine.mitchell@communications.gov.au
West Darling Arts – $150,000 – Broken Hill
Project details: To facilitate workshops, camps and residencies for a presentation of film, fibre?arts, music, dance, prints and painting, ceramics, bark and woodwork celebrating regional cultures and arts, Barkintji language and an honouring of country.
Outback Arts – $150,000 – Coonamble
Project details: To strengthen the capacity and sustainability of Aboriginal artists and organisations through consultation, professional development and the delivery of an Aboriginal Arts and Culture strategy for the region that supports participation in the arts.
Barriekneal Housing & Community Ltd – $450,000 – Lightning Ridge
Project details: To revitalise the Yuwaalaraay language and empower Indigenous people to work collectively to develop and maintain language, art and culture.